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Carer Awareness Day 2022:Community Event from 24th May to 26th May
  To raise the awareness of the Carers on the physical & mental health, CARE College will hold Carer Awareness Day on 27th & 28th May, 2022. This year theme will be "Carer Awareness Day 2022—TAKE A BREAK!", help Carers to identify their needs and them to take a break regularly and advocate for the "Carer Day Off".   CARE College & several Colloborative Organization will hold various community events between 24th and 30th May, 2022 to help Carers Relieve from pressure and enhance their social life when engaging in programme.    Please refer to Chinese Version if you want to understand more about the details of the community event.
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Carer Awareness Day 2022:Words to thank you the efforts made by the Carers
【Carer Awareness Day 2022 : A word to thank you the efforts made by Carers】   To raise the public awareness on the needs of Carers in the community, CARE College will hold Carer Awareness Day on the late of May every year.   Our theme for this year is "Take a break", to encourage the Carers to reserve some time for them to rest even under a tight schedule, to help them relieve from the stress in daily life.   Apart from the Carer "take a break", we also encourage public to say some words to recognize the effort made by the Carers in the community, as well as encourage them to face their caring life positively.   You can share your words to Carers by filling in our online form the thank you card template:   1. Link for Online Form:   2. Download the Thank You Card for the thank you for 365 Day:!Aif30GWAPQH2geU1xftsTWt6QLI0Iw?e=YzeTAJ      Please send your thank you word to our email or WhatsApp to 9549 9705, We will select some of the words of encouragement and gather it on the diary of "Thank you for 365 days", as well as sharing on our FaceBook & Instagram posts.   Thank you for your participation.
Online Health Talk
  Integrated Elderly Service has invited Mr. Kwok Shiu Tai - Speech Therapist to provide online health talk on coping with the swallowing difficulties caused by COVID-19 infection, by recommending some Rehabilitation Exercise to facilitating the recovery progress of the post-COVID-19 patients.   Link for Enrollment: Topic:Swallowing Recovery Advices for the post-COVID-19 patients Date:20/4/2022 (Wednesday) Time:2:30pm-3:30pm Tuition Mode:Online Event Via Zoom   The event is free of charge   Link for the event:   Meeting ID: 821 8134 6359   Inquiries:2433 641
Thanks Carer Market of Care for Carers
【Thanks Carer Market of Care for Carers Platform】   Thank you for the support of the Carers and public on the Thanks Carer Market held by Care for Carers on 30th October. It is glad for CARE College, Volunteers of Carer Promotion Ambassador and its supporting partners to understand more on Carers need through the event.   We will continue to build up the Carer Friendly Community with different stakeholders in the community.          
CARE College wish everyone have a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
You are welcome to download the Mid-Autumn Festival to deliver your care to the carers!   Click this picture to download:
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【Carer Month Event On October 2021 - Listening the Voice of Carers & those who were being cared for through Music Therapy】 
  【Carer Month Event On October 2021 - Listening the Voice of Carers & those who were being cared for through Music Therapy】    It is hard for Carer to lay down from their Caring role in their daily life. To help Carers relieve from caring pressure, we have arranged Music Therapy session for Carers and those who were being cared for, by enhancing the interaction between them.   Through the interactive sessions (e.g. Singing, Musical Movement, Song Writing etc.) led by Registered Music Therapist from Overseas, we provide room for Carers and those who were being cared for to improve their connection as well as using music as a tool for Caring.   If you are interested on the event, please click this link to participate:   Date:3rd October, 2021(Sunday) Time:10am - 12pm Venue:Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service - Rm 702, 7/F, 83 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Hing, Kwai Chung, New Territories Quota:20 pairs Carers and those who were being cared for (Total 40 People) Target Audience:Elderly Carers & Carers of Ex-Mentally ill People, and those who were being cared for The event is free of Charge   *Priority Enrollment for Carer EPS Member *The event will serve in first come first serve basis, please contact 3188 1633 for further information. *As Carers and those who were being cared for will participate the music sharing together, please notify staff if those who were being cared for have any special needs (e.g. Wheelchair/Require Intensive Care).