CARE College Christmas Buffet for caregivers
【#CARE College: Christmas Buffet for caregivers】
As Christmas approaches, the CARE College invited caregivers who had previously participated in CARE College courses to come together at the #CAREREPS platform's supporting partner, the PARK CAFÉ, for a buffet lunch. Caregivers enjoyed their meal while engaging in conversations, playing games, and spending a delightful afternoon together! It was heartwarming to see everyone actively participating in this event, enthusiastically sharing and connecting with fellow companions on this caregiving journey. Through this event, we hope caregivers remember that there are always people walking alongside them in their caregiving journey and to remember to reserve some dedicated #Metime for themselves.

Caregivers' Retreat Day 2024
【#CARE College: Caregivers' Retreat Day 2024】
CARE College recently organized a day trip for CAREREPS members & past course participants. We visited Tai Po Waterfront Park & Sha Tau Kok Farm, and also made some delicious Cha-Guo.
Whether it is public holiday or not, we hope caregivers could take a break and enjoy their me time whenever they need. Looking forward to our next trip!