Prevent the Tragedy Happens Again by Responding The Needs of Carers Immediately
Prevent the Tragedy Happens Again by Responding the Needs of Carers Immediately--Construct a Carer Friendly community through CARER EPS & Carer Advance Directives for Caring(CAD)
There are many tragedic events related to carers happened on 2020:1. An elderly couple was found to have fallen from height at Tai Wo Hau Estate on mid of April and they were suffered from prolonged illness.2. An elderly woman and her middle-aged daughter was found to have fallen from height at Tseung Kwan O Metro City on mid of May, and the daughter was suffering from illness.3. At early September, a 21 years old boy who suffered from Intellectual Disability was killed by his 46 years old mother at Kwai Chung Estate.4. There are two tragedies related to Carers happened on December:
A mother and her daughter were found dead at Siu Hong Court
A disabled women was died of accident at Mei Lam Estate as she was not saved in time
These incidents have shown that many carers are facing helpless and desperate situation. It is crucial to raise public awareness on supporting the carers' needs immediately.
As an organization of advocating carers' needs to public, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service (BOKSS) has been continuously conerned on carers' needs. BOKSS has held a press conference on 29th December 2020 to response the carers' needs through the CARER EPS (EPS) & Carer Advance Directives for Caring (CAD), which has launched since September 2020, to encourage a Carer friendly community.
If you want to understand further information on Carer EPS & Carer Advance Directives for Caring (CAD), please click here to view the press release.