【Carer Awareness Day 2022:Online Tour in the Dark】
1pm - 3pm
It is important for the Carers to have some me time to relax under the caring pressure, so we have organised this online workshop to help Carers to relax from pressure.活動詳情:活動名稱:暗中減壓工作坊負責機構:黑暗中對話(香港)基金會活動日期:2022年5月27日活動時間:13:00 - 15:00對象:所有照顧者地點:網上ZOOM形式進行(直播連結將於活動兩日前發出)名額:30位 (如名額已滿將以後補名單通知)按此連結報名:https://forms.office.com/r/6WdBMgu4re備註:1.參加者需自備以下物資:眼罩或毛巾遮蓋眼睛、紙和筆或泥膠及一款小食及合適伸展空間參與工作坊2.參加者需提早5分鐘加入ZOOM
Carer Awareness Day 2022:Joyful tour in the Dark
11:10am - 1:30pm
To help the Carers to build up peer support network & relieve the stress caused by the caring life, we have offered a Joyful Tour in the Dark to the Carers & those who are being cared for, providing a peaceful environment for them to reduce stress.
Details of the event:Organization in Charge:Dialogue In The Dark Jockey Club Dialogue Experience PlaceDate of Event:27th May, 2022 (Friday)Time:11:10 - 13:30Target Audience:All Carers & those who are being Cared forLocation:Dialogue In The Dark Jockey Club Dialogue Experience Place (Unit B, 7/F, D2 Place One 9 Cheung Yee Street)Quota:24 people
Click this Link for enrollment:https://forms.office.com/r/J0Npxupfex Remarks:***1. As the event will be conducted at Dark Ewnvironment, please consider carefully before you join the event.2. Please be punctual for attending the event3. We will decide the exact participants number based on the actual condition.4. 需符合疫苗通行證之接種要求
Carer Awareness Day 2022:Online Seminar for Financial Planning in life and death
4pm - 5pm
CARE College will hold Carer Awareness Day on every year to raise the public awareness and help Carers to understand their needs.
It is a difficult for Carers to perform Money management for the people who has loss its mental capacity, as they need to face a lot of challenges on both legal & Financial issues.
At this seminar, we have invited Professionals on Financial Planning to share the Authorization letter and Financial Advices on handling this issues, offering support & encouragement to Carers who are facing at this stage.
Details:Guest Speakers:Professionals on Financial PlanningTarget Audience:All Carers & PublicTuition Mode:Online Event Via Zoom(Broadcast Link will be send by WhatsApp through CARE College Working Mobile 9549 9705 two days before the event)Date:28th May, 2022(Saturday)Time:4pm - 5pm
The event is free of charge.
Please Click here for Online Enrollment:
Please feel free to contact 3188 1633 if you have any inquiries.
Carer Awareness Day 2022:Online Seminar for Financial Planning
4pm - 5pm
CARE College will hold Carer Awareness Day on every year to raise the public awareness and help Carers to understand their needs.
To help Carers to build up a positive attitude on financial planning & investment, we have invited professionals on financial planning on sharing useful advices on how to cope with the financial issues during the Caring Life.Details:Guest Speakers:Professionals on Financial PlanningTarget Audience:All Carers & PublicTuition Mode:Online Event Via Zoom(Broadcast Link will be send by WhatsApp through CARE College Working Mobile 9549 9705 two days before the event)Date:27th May, 2022(Friday)Time:4pm - 5pm
The event is free of charge.
Please Click here for Online Enrollment:https://forms.office.com/r/sjPVnGcmzV Please feel free to contact 3188 1633 if you have any inquiries.