The “CARE College” is an innovative project initiated by the Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service (BOKSS) in 2019. It aims to promote carer support services through providing specialized trainings to frontline professionals.
In June 2020, thanks to the sponsorship from the Community Chest of Hong Kong, the implementation of "CARE College" Project is now in top gear. Co-created by the Integrated Elderly Services and Integrated Mental Health Services, this project adopts a brand-new "academy" model in responding to the divert and changing needs of carer support services in the field.
Core Principles

Promote Carer Friendly Community & Peer Support Networks with Community Shops

【The Voices from Carers】- CARE College Promotion Video

【Stand by carer — How carer become peer】

Promote Carer Friendly Community & Peer Support Networks with Community Shops

【The Voices from Carers】- CARE College Promotion Video

【Stand by carer — How carer become peer】

Promote Carer Friendly Community & Peer Support Networks with Community Shops

【The Voices from Carers】- CARE College Promotion Video

【Stand by carer — How carer become peer】